Friday, December 7, 2012

The big three-month post!

Although, not so big maybe...We'll see what I'm able to come up with, haha! :P

But yes, as I nearly forgot, as of today, I have been in Egypt for three months.

Three months.

It seems really weird to say that. I know that I've said this before at different times and that it's more than a bit cliche, but it's definitely true:
Part of me feels like I've been here for so much longer than that, more like five or six months than just three.
And part of me feels like I've been here for a mere matter of weeks, rather than months at all.
But yet another part of me feels differently still:
It's hard to describe or put into words that make sense, but part of me doesn't recognize these measurements of time one way or the other. Part of me just feels like I'm here, living in the present, that everything is coming more and more naturally, that I am enjoying my experience and trying to get the most out of it that I can, and I therefore don't even feel that the time that has passed is long or short, it just feels normal.

I'm very proud to be able to say that, because I feel like in three months, I have made this place that I had never been to and seen only in books and online feel like a home away from home. There have been ups, and there have been downs, although mostly ups. And now, I feel happy, comfortable, and at home.

And I love this feeling.

And this place. Elhamdulilah. :)

So that's all!

-Your very happy Eskendarani in the making,

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